This site includes the postings from the Irish Aires email list. This includes a listing of Irish/Celtic events in the Houston area and other information that the Irish Aires radio program posts.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Highland Games & Other important upcoming events.

Check out these Other Important Events

The Celts "invade" Houston April 26 & 27, 2014 for a weekend of music, competitions, food and fun at the Houston Celtic Festival and Highland Games. 

The Festival is held at the Houston Farm & Ranch Club and presented by the Houston Highland Games Association. Three stages of rock and traditional Celtic music run continuously throughout the weekend, including a special entertainment stage for kids featuring our own Irish Faerie, Willow and her Giant and storyteller Rickey Pittman. The McAnelly main stage features Scottish singer/songwriter Brian McNeill, international super group Rathkeltair, Houston's own Murder the Stout and Dallas traditional Irish band Flashpoint. 

The Ceilidh Stage features local and regional bands Celtic Voyage, Constant Billy, Wyndnwyre, The Traveling Murphy's, The Pirates of Bedlam, Earl Grey in the Morning, Dene Foy and, making their debut at the Festival, the Dead Rabbits. 
Children and parents alike will have the opportunity to explore the Celtic Nations by visiting our clans and societies and getting their Celtic Passport stamped. At the end of their "journey" a special gift from Walkers Shortbread will be waiting. Arts and crafts featuring the culture of the Celtic Nations will provide take home art. With golf being a product of Scotland, what could be more appropriate than a round of putt putt golf? 

The Festival features competitions in bagpipe, Highland dance, and Scottish heavy athletics, including the tossing of the caber, or, as Americans like to say, throwing the telephone pole. The children have their own athletic competition with a wee caber to toss (fence post). For fun, the Festival will host a shortbread competition on Saturday with celebrity judges. On Sunday, to the ladies' delight, we have the Bonniest Knees contest. Blind folded lady judges will determine the beauty and form of kilted gentleman's knees.


05/01/14 - Look Behind You! At the University of St. Thomas

Thursday, May 1, 2014  Look Behind You!  A Father's and Son's Impressions  of "The Troubles" in Northern Ireland
Through Photograph and Song With Steafán Hanvey

 7:30 pm  University of St. Thomas Scanlan Room, Jerabeck Center 4000 Mt. Vernon St.   Houston, TX 77006


-05/03/14 - Houston Gaels GAA Tournament Schedule   Saturday May 3rd  12 Noon til 5:30
Eclipse Soccer Fields  1700 Glenn Lakes Missouri City 77459  After-party: McElroys on Sandman from 7.30pm

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