This site includes the postings from the Irish Aires email list. This includes a listing of Irish/Celtic events in the Houston area and other information that the Irish Aires radio program posts.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Reminder: Irish Aires NEEDS Your Support - Thanks in advance!

Irish Aires Fund Raiser

Irish Aires needs your help!!  KPFT is STARTING their FALL Fund Raiser this week.  


Irish Aires & KPFT need your support.  We need to pull our weight in raising funds to keep the station on the air.  We have, over the long run, been able to do this because of your generosity. 


PLEASE help us continue!  To contribute do one of the following:


1)      Call us (713-526-5738) during the show (6-7pm on Sat night, Oct 15th, Oct 22th, Oct 29th, 2011) and give your pledge to one of our volunteers.

2)      Complete the form at the end of this & return it by email OR snail mail it to the radio station to Irish Aires attention.

3)      Go to and on the right side of the homepage click the DONATE button. Make sure to choose to support IRISH AIRES In the drop down window.  Also please respond to this email to tell us you donated online and how much.  We handle all the IRISH thank you gifts, so contact us directly about those.


We don't need anyone to give a LOT, we need a LOT of people to give. 

Renew your pledge to KPFT & Irish Aires by donating what you can.


A little background for those of you new to our list:


Irish Aires is the name of radio show broadcast on KPFT-FM (90.1FM in Houston Texas) and on the internet (both live and in archived versions). We are on every Saturday night from 6-7PM (US Central Time – Midnight Sat Nights in Ireland). We play a wide variety of Irish/Celtic music and provide information on local (Houston) Celtic happenings.


In addition to our broadcast which feature Irish/Celtic music, we regularly include listing of local Celtic events. we also hosts special guests to discuss issue of interest to the Irish & Irish/American community.


We also provide internet resources for the Irish/Celtic community. These include email listsFaceBook (befriend Jay Dooling – the one from Houston), Twitter (follow wildrover1916), web pages that include info on Irish & Irish American interest (news, cultural happenings & local Houston area events).


We also have two other internet sites. They are:


Irish Aires Info Blog (current Houston Irish Events)

Irish Aires News Blog (Irish news)


While the producers (Pete, Bill, Emily & Jay) are all unpaid volunteers, the non-profitKPFT-FM station has substantial out-of-pocket expenses in order to stay on the air 365 days a year/ 24 hours a day. Electricity, staff salaries, license fees and maintenance are only a few of them.


For three weeks every FALL, we change the format of our show (and send out emails like this) in order to remind you that KPFT, the Irish Aires radio show & our internet services (email, blogs & web pages) are sponsored by YOU.


IF you have joined our membership in the past, please consider rejoining during this drive; if you haven't joined yet, this is the time, join the Irish Aires / KPFT family.


KPFT is a non-commercial, community supported radio show. They except no corporate or commercial sponsorship. The receive a modest amount of support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting & grants, but 90% of their budget is provided by individual contributions (which average about $60 each).


Because of the need for your continued support, we need to ask you for your support.


As we have said before, we don't need people to give a lot; we need A LOT OF PEOPLE to give. Your individual support at any level will help the station stay on the air and Irish Aires to continue into its 28th Year.


Basic membership costs are $25 for students & people on a fixed or lower income; regular membership goes for $35 per year (voting rights accrue at the $25 level).


If you can give more, we have been the beneficiaries of some Irish/Celtic music CDs that we would like to give you in return for a $60 contribution (even if you can only afford to pay it out at $5 per month). If you can contribute at the $90 level, you will get two of two of our CDs.


But it is more important for you to contribute, no matter what the amount. Wide-spread, small contributions give our station support from the community of people who appreciate our programming and internet information.


At whatever level you can support us, please do.


Jay, Pete, Bill & Emily




Jay Dooling (

Irish Aires


419 Lovett Boulevard

Houston, TX 77006


Date (mm-dd-yy): _____________________



First Name: __________________________



Last Name: __________________________



Street Address & Apt.# _______________________________



City, State & Zip: _______________________________



Telephone Area Code & Number: ________________________



Your E-mail address: _________________________________



Your favorite show(s): _______________________________


Donation Level (X one):


35.00 Basic Membership _____


60.00 _____


90.00 _____


120.00 _____


150.00 _____


500.00 Leadership Circle _____


Other (Amount) _____


See below for sustainer memberships info




Amount of Contribution:


Amount from above $_________


Other Amount $_________


Total Amount of Pledge: $ ________


Thank you gift(s) that you want:





(Note: Thank you gifts for CREDIT CARD or sustainer



Is this: The first time you've pledged to us? ______

A renewal? ______


Enter your American Express, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover


below or leave blank to be billed at the above address.


(X one of the following):



VISA ___,

MasterCard ___,



Card # (DO include dashes):



Expiration date (mm-yy): ________________


Do you want to be a sustainer member? _______


How much per month can we charge to your credit card?



May we thank you on the air? Yes ___

No ___


Would you like to receive this month's catalogue of special

offerings from the Pacifica Radio Archives?

Yes _____

No _____


Thank you for your generosity. Your contribution will go to

Make okay radio even better!


Pete Little, Jay Dooling, Bill Galbraith & Emily Standish



Pacifica's Mission


* To promote cultural diversity and pluralistic community



* To contribute to a lasting understanding between

individuals of all nations, races, creeds and colors.


* To promote freedom of the press and serve as a forum for

Various viewpoints.


* To maintain an independent funding base.



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