This site includes the postings from the Irish Aires email list. This includes a listing of Irish/Celtic events in the Houston area and other information that the Irish Aires radio program posts.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

"Emerald Diamond" (aka Irish Baseball Movie) at NETFLIX

Good news! "The Emerald Diamond" (aka "Irish Baseball Movie," aka "How I Made My Credit Cards Bleed") is now available on NETFLIX! If you are a Netflix member, PLEASE put "The Emerald Diamond" on your list, especially if: 1.) YOU'VE SEEN THE MOVIE - Why not see it again? I've seen it several hundred times myself and I think it builds character. Or maybe not, but it still can't hurt, right? 2.) YOU ALREADY BOUGHT THE DVD - First off, thanks for buying the DVD! Every Netflix rental will increase the DVD's search rankings and it will force Netflix to buy more DVDs, thus spreading the word and reach of the movie and the Irish National Team. 3.) YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE - This one is pretty self- explanatory. Come on.... 4.) YOU DISLIKE IRELAND, BASEBALL and PUPPIES - Prepare to have your mind blown(except for the puppies part, I can't help you there. You should probably see a shrink about that). So yeah, tell your friends and family. Check it out. Any questions, let me know. Thanks, John
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